William Matthews, Bookseller

Books Wanted * Permanent List

Updated January 2009

Please offer books from this Permanent Want List to us at: bill@rainbownorth.com
or contact us:

William Matthews, Bookseller
114 Quail Crescent
Salt Spring Island, BC
(250) 537-6998

This want list will be amended periodically, so please check back.

Many of these books are Old, Fantastic, Sensational and Weird Fiction, which is our specialty.
If you have a lot of old fiction, please check for these!

Anonymous Books Wanted

anon. Al-Modad, or Life Scenes Beyond the Polar Circumflex. Shell Bank: Moore & Beauchamp, 1892.
anon. Alaric At Rome.1840, Rugby.
anon. Alcuin. A Dialogue.1798, wraps.
anon. An Auto-Biography. Leatherbound.
anon. Andy O'Hara; or, The Child...1861 NY: Carlton.
anon. Arkansas Ranger, The.1869? 1865?.
anon. Ashdod Webster and His Starring Tour.
anon. Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. 1912, Boston.
anon. Death in April. 1888, np/nd,.
anon. A Dreamer of Dreams. By the Author of "Thoth". Blackwood or Appleton, 1889
anon. Ecarte'; or, The Salons of Paris. 1829, London.
anon. Efforts. by an Invalid. Greenock, 1835.
anon. Ghost in the Bank of England. 1888.
anon. Helen's Tower. 1861, Clandebo.
anon. Helena's Household. A Tale of Rome.1867, NY.
anon. Home Life in Russia. 1854. 2 vol.
anon. John Wheeler's Two Uncles....1860? NY: Car.
anon. Journal Movements of British Lgn..1836, London..
anon. Kensington Gardens in 1830...1830, London.
anon. Lola Montes: or, a Reply To...1851, NY.
anon. Majolo, the. A Tale..2 volumes.
anon. Martyr of the Catacombs. A Tale of.1865? 1858?
anon. Miser Outwitted, The. 1841? Brockville.
anon. Much Darker Days. 1884.
anon. Pauline; A Fragment of a Confession. 1833, London..
anon. Pause.1910, London.
anon. Rachel. A Sea Story of Newfoundland. 1917, NY.
anon. Revolt of Man. 1882.
anon. Soldier and the Spy. 1869? 1865?.
anon. Spanish Speaking Americans in the War. 1943, Washington.
anon. Statement of Stella Maberly....1896. London.
anon. Thalatta: A Book for the Sea-Side. 1853, Boston.
anon. That Very Mab. 1885.
anon. Thoth. London: Blackwood, 1888.
anon. To Those Who Wear Shoes. 1913, NY.
anon. Toxar. By the Author of "Thoth". London: Longmans, Green, 1890.
anon. Westbrook; or The Outlaw....1853? NY wraps.
anon. What Might Have Been. The Story of. 1907.
anon? Chippewa County. Wisconsin Past....1913-14.

Listing By Author or Pseudonym

A. Strayed Reveller, The. By 'A'.1849.
Aikin (Charles). Forty Years With The Damned.
Akers, Floyd. Boy Fortune Hunters series. c.1908
Allen, Grant. Hilda Wade. 1900, London.
Alpha and Omega. Blight, The Tragedy of Dublin.1917, Dublin.
Armour (J.P.) EDENINDIA. A Tale of Adventure. NY: Dillingham.
Arthur, Andrew J. From Behind the Veil. 1901,Salem, M.
Ashdown, Clifford. Adventures of Romney Pringle. 1902.
Aston, James. First Lesson.1932.
Aston, James. They Winter Abroad.1932.
Balch (William S). A Peculiar People; or.....Chicago..
Barclay, Bill. Printers Devil.1966 pb.
Beale (Charles W). The Secret of The Earth....NY: Neely.
Bedford, Agnes. Five Troubador Songs.1920 wraps.
Bedford, Donald F. John Barry.1947.
Bedwell, Bettina. Yellow Dusk.1937, London,.
Biagi. The Centaurians..NY: Broadway..
Bierbower (Austin). From Monkey To Man, or, Society...Chicago..
Black, Miss..Adventures of Little Downy.....London, 1832.
Bland, Fabian. Prophet's Mantle.1885.
Borders (Joe H.). The Queen of Appalachia..NY: Abbey..
Bourne (A.M.). A Mystery of The Cordillera..London..
Branch (Stephen). Burning Secret, The.NY: Scott...
Bridge (Ann). Song in the House.Chatto, 1935.
Buckman (H.H.). Merope......Jacksonville.
Burke, Leda. Dope Darling.1919.
Burroughs, Mary E. Memoirs of a War Bride.Privately prtd.
Cameron (J.W.). Revolution in Atlantis..Des Moines..
Cannon, Elizabeth. Cities of the Sun.1910, Salt Lak.
Cecil, Henry. Songs of a Spanish Lover.1924, limited.
Chambers (Julius). "In Sargasso". Missing....NY: Transatlantic.
Chaney (J.M.). Poliopolis and Polioland. Kansas City.
Charles, Will. Hombre From Sonora.1971. Houghton.
Chaucer, Daniel. New Humpty-Dumpty.1912.
Chaucer, Daniel. Simple Life Limited.1911.
Chesney, Weatherby. Adventures of a Solicitor.1898.
Clark, Rev. T. Modern Geography and History.1823.
Clark, Rev. T. Tour of Europe and Asia.1820. 2 vol.
Clifton, Bud. Power Gods.1958, London.
Colvin, James. Deep Fix. 1966 pb.
Costello (F.H.). Sure-Dart. A Story of Strange...Chicago.
Cotes, V. Cecil. Two Girls on a Barge.1891, London.
Cousins, Sheila . To Beg I Am Ashamed.1950s.
Cowan (Frank). Revi-Lona. A Romance of Love.Greensburg..
Cox, A.B. Family Witch.1925.
Cox, A.B. Mr. Priestley's Problem.1927.
Cox, A.B. Professor on Paws.1926.
Cranch (Christopher). The Last of The Huggermuggers..Boston..
Crawford (Isabell C.) The Tapestry of Time. Boston: Christopher Pub.
Curwen (Henry)]. Zit & XOE. Their Early Experiences..NY: Harper.
Dail (C.C.). Willmoth the Wanderer..Atchison, Kansas: Haskell, 1890.
Dail (C.C.). The Stone Giant. Neely, 1898. Wraps.
De Morgan (John). "He" / "It" / "Bess"/ NY: Munro, 1880s. Haggard Parodies.
Dreamer, A. Dream Drops: or Stories.... 1887, Boston.
Dupre, Anne. novels. macaulay, 1930s.
Emerson (Willis G). The Smoky God or A Voyage To...Chicago..
Escott (T.H.S.). A Trip to Paradoxia....London.
Estaunie, Eduard. Call of the Road. 1923.
Everard. A Star's Progress. 1950, NY.
Fairman (Henry C).The Third World. A Tale...Atlanta..
Ferguson, Helen. Novels.1929-35.
Fitzgerald, Hugh. Sam Steel series.1910 ca..
Forrest, Felix C. Carola. 1948.
Forrest, Felix C. Ria. 1947.
Foster (David S). Prince Timoteo. NY: Neely, 1899
Freeman. Daughters of Cain in The Land of Nod, 1893.
Furey, Michael. Wulfheim. 1950, London.
Fyne (Neal). The Land of The Living Dead...London: Drane, 1897.
Gaite, Francis. Brief Candles, other titles.1950s.
Genone (Hudor). The Last Tenent.....
Genone (Hudor). Inquirendo Island..NY: Putnam..
Graham (Mrs.John). The Toltec Savior. NY: Dillingham.
Graham, Tom. Hike and the Airplane. 1912, NY.
Granville (Austyn). The Fallen Race...NY: Neely, 1892.
Green (Will S.). Sacrifice; or, The Living Dead...
Greene (John O.). The Ke Whonkus People.
Guernsey (D. R). Lost In The Mammoth Cave.
Gulliver (Dean) The Land of Unreason. London, 1905
Gwinn (D Howard). The Gold of Ophir.
Hahn (Charles Cur. The Wreck of The South Pole...
Harben (Will). Land of The Changing Sun. 1894.
Hardquill, Mr. Jack Brag in Spain.1841-42
Harford, Henry. Fan. 1826.
Harney (Gilbert L). Philoland. NY: Neely, 1900
Harris, Roger. LSD Dossier.1966 pb.
Harrison (Bruce). A-100. 1930, Dutton.
Harrison (T. Milne). Modern Arms and A Feudal Throne...
Harro-Haring. Dolores: A Novel of South America. 1846.
Hassaurek (F). The Secret of The Andes. A Romance...
Hatteras, Owen. Pistols for Two.1917, NY, wraps.
Hawkwood, Allan. Seal of Solomon. Any Solomon titles.
Hawthorne (Julian). The Golden Fleece. A Romance.
Hayden, James B. Odds and Ends. 1924.66-pgs.
Hearne, Huxley. Tangled Miracle.1936, Nelson,.
Held, Peter. Take My Face. 1957, NY.
Henry, Arthur. Princess of Arcady. 1900.
Herman, William. Dance of Death. 1877.
Hernaman-Johnson. The Polyphemes. London: Ward, Lock, 1906
Hildreth. OO. Adventures in Orbello Land.
Hirshberg, L.K. What You Ought to Know About Your Baby.1910.
Hodgson, William. House On The Borderland..1908, London.
Hodgson, William. The Boats of the Glen Carrig.
Hodgson, William. Cargunka.
Hoff, H.S. It Happened in PRK. 1934, NY.
Hopkins (Jeune). The Mysterious Hunter....
Hopkins (Seward W). In The China Sea. A Novel...
Hopkins (Seward W). Two Gentlemen of Hawaii.
Howard (Maude L.). Myriam and The Mystic Brotherhood.
Howell (George R.). Noah's Log Book....
Hyne (J.C. Cutcliffe). Beneath Your Very Boots. London: Digby, Long, (1889)
Hyne. The Lost Continent.
Johansson, R. U. Adventures of Hintala. 1922, Seattle.
Jones, E.N. Verses. 1878, Newport.
Jones, J McHenry. Hearts of Gold. 1896.
Kell, Joseph. One Hand Clapping. 1961, London.
Kinder (Stephen). The Sabretooth. A Romance of Put-In Bay. Chicago: Laird & Lee, 1902.
Lamb, William. The World Ends.1937.
Lewis (Leon). Andree At The North Pole.
Lippard, George. Herbert Tracy, or....Germantown.1844, phil.
Little Tich. By Little Tich. 1911,London.
Malone (Louis). Roundabout Way. London, Putnam.
Marple (J. Clarence) Anona of the Moundbuilders. Wheeling: Progressive, (1920).
Mayne, Xavier. Imre. 1908.
McKesson (Charles L.) Under Pike's Peak or, Mahalma, Child of the Fire...NY: Neely, 1898.
Mentor (Lilliam Frances). The Day of Resis. NY: Dillingham, 1897
Merchant, Paul. Sex Gang. 1969 pb.
Metcalf, Suzanne. Anabel.1906.
Miller (William Amos). The Sovereign Guide. A Tale of Eden. LA: Rice, 1898
Morgan, Claire. Price of Salt. NY: Coward McCann.
Morgan, Jane. Tales for Fifteen. 1823.
Mostyn, Sydney. Perplexity. 1872.
Mostyn, Sydney. Surgeon's Secret/Which Sister/others.1870s.
Murphy (G. Read). Beyond The Ice. London: Sampson, Low, 1894.
Norden, Charles. Panic Spring. 1937.
Norman, Louis. Flower of the Rose. 1892, NY.
Payne (A.R.M.) The Geral-Milko...NY: Norton, 1852
Peck (George Washington) Aurifondina....NY: Baker and Scribner, 1849
Peeslake, Gaffer. Bromo Bombastes.....1933, London.
Perce (Elbert) Gulliver Joi: His Three Voyages. NY: Scribner, 1851/1852?
Powers, Cecil. Philistia.1884 3 vol.
Pratt. Studies in Pauline Eschatology....1917, Toronto.
Prior, Samuel. All the Voyages round the World. 1820.
Ray, Ophelia. Daughter of the Tejas. 1965.
Raymond (James F.) The Old Mountain Hermit. NY: Broadway, 1904.
Rayner, Olive Pratt. The Type-Writer Girl. 1897.
Redfield, Martin. My Love and I. 1885.
Reed (P. Fishe) Beyond The Snow. Chicago: Lakeside Press, 1873.
Rich, Barbara. No Decency Left. 1932.
Richards, Frank. Old Soldier Sahib. 193?.
Richards, Frank. Old Soldiers Never Die. 193?.
Richardson (Warren). Dr. Zell and the Princess Charlotte. NY: Kabis, 1892.
Roberts (Theodore G.) The Red Feathers. Boston: Page, 1907.
Royal (Matthew J.) The Isle of the Virgins. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1899.
Rummel, Walter M). Ten Songs For Children. 1914.
Saint-Luc, Jean de. Contes en Crinoline. 1930, Paris.
Savage (Ex-Midshipman Timothy) The Amazonian Republic... NY: Colman, 1842.
Scott (G. Firth). The Last Lemurian. London: Bowden, 1898.
Seaborn (Captain Adam). Symzonia; A Voyage of Discovery. NY: Seymour, 1820.
Shone, Patrick. House in the Valley. 1951, London.
Shaw (W.J.) Under The Auroras. NY: Excelsior, (1888)
Shaw (W.J.) Cresten, Queen of the Toltecs... NY: Excelsior, (1892)
Sims (George R.). Tinkletop's Crime. NY: Webster, 1891, or any ed.
Singleton, Mary. Old Maid, The. 1764, London.
Smith, George B. Noah's Confession. 1898, Jamestown.
Smith, Johnston.Maggie. A Girl of the Streets.1893, NY, wraps.
St. Clair, Leo. Claris. A Novel...1900?, Neale.
Staunton, Schuyler. Fate of a Crown/Daughters of Destiny.
Thompson, A C. Preludes. 1875, London.
Toller, Ernst. No More Peace!. 1937.
Tower (Washington). Interior World. A Romance. Oakland: Tower, 1895.
Trevor, Glen. Murder at School....London, Benn.
Wade, Alan. Isle of Peril. 1957.
Walsh, Ernest. Poems and Sonnets. 1934, NY, Harcourt.
Warborough, Martin. Tom Unlimited. 1897.
Westall (William). A Queer Race. London: Cassell, 1887.
Westall (William). The Phantom City. London: Cassell, 1886.
Weston, Allen. Murders For Sale. 1954.
Wheatley, Phyllis. Poems on Various Subjects. 1773, London.
Whitney, Elliott. novels. 1912 ca.
Williams (J. Sheldon). The Power of ULA. London: Ward, Lock, 1906.
Williams (Thaddeus). In Quest of Life. NY: Neely, 1898.
Wintergreen, Jane. Two in a Flat. 1908, London.
Wycliffe, John. Against the Tide. 1924.
Young, Collier. Todd Dossier. 1969.

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